T&W Charity Foundation Entered Shenzhen Longgang Baoxing Hospital to "Guard Lifeline"


On the occasion of the New Year, T&W Charity Foundation held a public welfare activity of "Guard Lifeline" caring for patients with serious illness in Shenzhen Longgang Baoxing Hospital. This was the first time that the Foundation had cooperated with Baoxing Hospital to carry out public welfare activities. Long Xiaojing, Deputy General Manager of the Company and Chairman of T&W Charity Foundation, and Wen Weina, Chairman of Baoxing Hospital, attended the activity and delivered speeches respectively. Representatives of the Foundation's directors, some leaders of Baoxing Hospital and more than 100 patients attended the activity together.
The special fund of "Guard Lifeline" set up by Baoxing Hospital is a public welfare project to provide dialysis assistance for nephrotic patients, which is a hemodialysis access rescue project with the beneficiaries of nephrotic patients whose families are poor or who lose their ability to work without financial resources. The Foundation donated RMB 20,000 In the first batch to support the public welfare project of "Guard Lifeline".
During the activity, Long Xiaojing, Deputy General Manager of the Company and Chairman of T&W Charity Foundation, introduced the implementation of the Foundation and its public welfare project of caring for patients with serious illness in her speech. She said that the Foundation's project of caring for patients with serious illness had been implemented for 13 years, and the Foundation's care for special social groups had never stopped. From the initial family reunion dinner delivery for Shenzhen cancer patients and New Year greetings for brain tumor patients, to caring for medical workers and patients with brain disease; From the New Year's care for the disabled to the "Guard Lifeline" public welfare project in cooperation with Baoxing Hospital, T&W had been acting for love. In the past 13 years, nearly RMB 600,000 had been invested in caring for patients with serious illness, which was not much, but T&W insisted on carrying out public welfare activities for patients with serious illness. Public welfare promotes the progress of social civilization, and public welfare cooperation will also become a symbol of the progress of social civilization. Chairman Long pointed out that the activity was not only a fraternity, but also a kick-off meeting for the public welfare cooperation of "Guard Lifeline" caring for patients with serious illness. She believed everyone would have the confidence and ability to make this public welfare project better and better and benefit more patients and friends in urgent need of help. Chairman Long encouraged the patient friends to strive for self-improvement and overcome the disease as soon as possible, and wished everyone a happy New Year.
At the fraternity, patients, medical workers and representatives of the Foundation presented carefully arranged cultural programs successively. The Directors of T&W Charity Foundation and the leaders of Baoxing Hospital awarded the honors of "Rehabilitation Progress Award", "Close Caring and Loving Family Award" and "Top Ten Medical Rehabilitation Workers" on the spot.
The Directors of T&W Charity Foundation also distributed love rice and cooking oil to the patients recovering in the hospital, expressing sympathy and care for them as the New Year approached and hoping that they will recover as soon as possible and have a happy family in the New Year.

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