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2016 Third Session T&WStaff SportsMeet Successfully Closed in Shenzhen

On the morning of August 13, more than two thousand T&W people gathered in Gymnasium of Shenzhen Xili University Town to celebrate the grand opening of the third session of the T&W Staff Sports Meet. 367 Xinqiao staff made the stunning opening ceremony and won the applause from all the audience. With the grand showing from four audience matrixes, General Manager Tang Fonan made an opening speech and announced the opening of the sports meet. Subsequently, the referee and athletes representatives made the solemn oath. Zhang Yuanyuan from Taicang, lit the torch of the sports meet on behalf of 320 athletes.

In the sports meet this time, a total of 320 playersfromfour delegations of Shenzhen Shekou, Shenzhen Xinqiao, TaicangT&W and Shanghai Bandaoparticipated in the competition of 34 sports events. As a result, 34 players have won the top three prizes. Delegation ofShenzhen Shekou took the lead with a total of 610 points, which claimed the championship title after a lapse of four years. Taicang T&W, Shenzhen Xinqiao and ShanghaiBandaoranked at the second, third and fourth place respectively.

In the sports meet we shared with friendship, happiness andthe combatant spirit. At around 5 pm, 320 athletes harvested the medals from sweat with two thousand spectators in the gym, and ushered in the closing ceremony of the sports meet. The host announced the results of all sports events in order. The company leaders presented the medals and bonus to each award-winning athlete. The winning athletes came to the stage to receive their due honorable awards in the crowd cheering and applause.

Finally, Chairman Wang Daweidelivered the closing remarks. Mr. Wang said that “all athletes have gone all out in the game and showed theiryoung blood, and some of them broke the record of the past. Let me extend my thanks tothe tenacious fighting and wonderful performance of all theathletes. My thanks also go to the organizing committee and the Center for Human Resource Management for their initial preparation, the site preparation and careful logistic support. Right here, my special thanks would also go to the ladies and gentlemen of Xinqiao T&W for the excellent opening ceremony performance. They skillfully integrated the growth and development of the companyto the group performance;thus vividly showing its development course and the combatant spirit. Due to the limited conditions, among 9,000 plus Company employees, only part of them enrolled in the competition. There were 320 athletes participated in the sports events, it may be a little bit regretful. I would like to tell you all a piece of good news -- the company would soon hold asports event which can accommodate more than 9,000 employees. This sports event is our second undertaking, and is also our goal of tens of billions. Through the second undertaking, the company would strive to win tens of billions of output value in 2018 – it is also a sports event. In this event, it requires both the spirit of combatant and aggression, and it also requires us to break the obsolete thinking and practice, so as toboost the company to a new height under the guideline ofthe ‘four news’(new ideas, new culture, new customs and new habits). Today, the athletes from four sites have achieved the satisfactory resultin the sports event. I believe that all the athletes and all my colleagues can achieve greater success in the sports meet of the second undertaking.”

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