Let T&W’s Public Welfare Flag Fly in the Wind on Loess Plateau


Commencement and Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony of the Ninth T&W Hope Primary School Donated and Built by the Company Was Held

On August 10, commencement and foundation stone laying ceremony for the ninth T&W Hope Primary School which was donated and built by the company was held. Leaders of the Caring Committee and Education Bureau of Hezheng County, Gansu, and representative of the company and Foundation attended the foundation stone laying ceremony, which signifies that the ninth primary school donated and built by the company enters into construction stage.

Hezheng County Chenjiaji School in Gansu is the ninth T&W Hope Primary School that the company provides assistance in construction and the second school which is donated and built by the company in Gansu Province, and donation and construction agreement was officially signed in March of this year. After five months planning and exploration preparation for school, the foundation stone laying ceremony was officially held on August 10, 2017. On the ceremony, Gao Ping who is Supervisor of Caring Committee Office of Hezheng County delivered a speech at first, expressed congratulations on commencement of this public welfare project on behalf of the Caring Committee of Hezheng County, and promised to perform supervisory duty so as to ensure smooth and satisfactory result of project construction. Yang Nian’an who is Infrastructure Supervisor of Shenzhen Bandao Electronics Co., Ltd. delivered speech on behalf of the company, expressed gratitude for concern and support of all leaders to the engineering project at first, put forward specific requirements for specific project in aspects of engineering design and engineering quality, stressed consciousness of responsibility, and put forward sincere hope for construction unit. Meanwhile, he hoped that engineering project can be completed satisfactorily as schedule and requirements of donation and construction agreement so as to ensure that children can study in new school building as early as possible. Ma Zhong who is Deputy Director of Education Bureau of Hezheng County extended a special thanks to philanthropic act and great love of the company and T&W Charity Foundation in his speech, expressed that Education Bureau of Hezheng County will earnestly fulfill responsibility, communicate and coordinate with design unit regarding rectification section, and try their best to work together with bid winner to make contribution to project construction, welcomed all parties to supervise the project, and wish a complete success of the project. And commencement and foundation stone laying ceremony for the project was held subsequently.

It is reported that gross building area of this project is 3,376.44 square meters, including 1,314.59 square meters four-floor teaching building, 1,341.59 square meters four-floor comprehensive building, and toilet, school fence, school campus ground hardening, fire pool and auxiliary projects. According to donation and construction agreement, it is estimated that new school will be built up and put into operation by July 2018. Meanwhile, flag of T&W public welfare will fly in Hezheng County, Gansu of Loess Plateau, and then a “new comer” will join in the big family of T&W Hope Primary School.

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