New Era, Good Teachers and Great Hope


The First T&W Hope Primary School Outstanding Teacher Commendation Conference was grandly held in Wanyuan, Sichuan

On the afternoon of November 25, with support from leaders of Wanyuan Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government of Sichuan Province, more than 150 teachers from nine T&W Hope Primary Schools participated in the First T&W Hope Primary School Outstanding Teacher Commendation Conference held in Wanyuan, Yang Mingjun who is member of the Standing Committee and Minister of Propaganda Department of Wanyuan City, Yu Xuehai who is Vice Mayor of Wanyuan City, Wang Dawei who is Managing Director of Bandao Stock and Long Xiaojing who is Chairman of T&W Charity Foundation attended the conference.

Meng Chao who is Principal of T&W Hope Primary School and Yang Mingjun who is the member of the Standing Committee and Minister of Propaganda Department of Wanyuan City, Sichuan Province delivered speech in sequence. Wang Dawei who is Party Secretary and Managing Director of Bandao Stock delivered speech on the conference. Managing Director Wang expressed gratitude to support and efforts that Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government have made to 9 T&W Hope Primary Schools. Managing Director Wang said, in this new era, education in mountainous area will embrace new change, backward state and teaching level will be improved. Teachers of T&W Hope Primary Schools take root in the mountainous area, which are worth for praise and encouragement. Primary education is very important. Primary school students shall develop well in terms of morality, intelligence and physique, live up to the title of builder and successor of modern powerful country in future. Our teachers have a long way to go.

35 outstanding teachers won awards on the conference. Among 35 outstanding teachers, 6 teachers got “Loving Heart Prize”, 6 teachers got “Selfless Donation Prize” and 6 teachers got “Innovative Development Prize”. Leaders of Wanyuan Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, the company and the Foundation respectively awarded certificate, bonus and trophy to teachers winning the prize.

After completion of prize award, teachers from 9 T&W Hope Primary Schools presented artistic performance rich in local ethnic flavors. More than 200 students from T&W Hope Primary Schools attended the conference and watched artistic performance.

Through laborious training and rehearsal, teachers from 9 T&W Hope Primary Schools presented amazing, passionate and charming artistic performances which illustrate various cultures, their talent of literature and art and youthful spirit. The audiences burst into thunderous applause when performing some dances, including Amo Girl, Camelia Blossom in Dali and Rhyme of Tucheng.

New era, good teacher and great hope. Promote education, educate people and invigorate the nation. On the afternoon of the very same day, the First T&W Hope Primary School Outstanding Teacher Commendation Conference was closed successfully, and received many praises from various participants. Local media Dazhou Daily Paper and Wanyuan TV Station reported the whole process of the conference.


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