T&W Participated in the First "Nanshan Cup" Charity Climbing Competition


The 2009 first "Nanshan Cup" charity climbing competition came to a successful close in the afternoon of December 12. T&W allocated 5 teams (19 members together) to participated in the competition. Team 2 (Gao Fangcheng, Liu Bing, Liu De and Lin Min) performed well and eventually won the second place of teams, taking only one minute more than the first place to reach the mountain top.

This charity climbing competition was hosted by the Zhaoshang Subdistrict Office of Nanshan district and the center service team of the Shenzhen Lions Club and co-organized by the Nanshan Medical Instrument Industry Park. The climbing route ranged from the Minghua entry to the navigation platform (sightseeing stand) on the mountain top, at a length of 2.8 kilometers. A total of 700 climbing fans participated in the competition. This competition aimed at collecting charity funds and calling for more and more people to care for and help the disabled and disadvantaged groups. T&W donated 2,000 yuan to the host organization to support the development of social charities, which reflected the company's observed corporate culture — that is, to repay the society.

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