Getting together with Families and Sharing Happiness


Family Open Day of Shenzhen Bandao Electronics Was Held Successfully 

The opening ceremony of the activity of 2014 Family Open Day was held by the company on July 5 at the first time, and it expressed its thanksgiving and gratitude to all relatives understanding and support employees, and conveyed care from “T&W Family”. The first session of the activity oriented at R&D developers from Shekou and Xinqiao mainly, and selected twenty families for participation in the form of registration. Through the visit on the company’s operation sites including office environment and factory production line, relatives can understand and recognize the enterprise in a better way, senses of identity and belonging of employees and their relatives can be stimulated, relatives can appreciate and support works of employees, so that employees can work without worries. 

Shekou T&W extended a warm welcome to twenty family members were on that day and organized them to watch its promotion video, visit its work environment, come to Xinqiao by bus and develop the journey visiting the factory. After the completion of the visit, parents and children had a break and got wonderful gifts in the activity of quiz with prizes during tea break. Under the organization of General Manager Office, all participating families came to visit Lychee Garden and pick up lychees and spent a pleasant, full and significant day. 

On July 12, Xinqiao T&W held the first session of Summer Holiday Parent-Child Open Day Activity, twenty children and seven relatives of employees learned about the factory in a short distance, felt T&W corporate culture in person. Relatives said frankly that they took pride in works of employees through the family open day. 


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