Love, civilization, responsibility, and co construction
Love is boundless, give back to society, and jointly build the ESG system with a highly conscious sense of social responsibility
Social Responsibility Statement

Policy statement

The company promises to comply with national laws and regulations on labor, health and safety, environment, ethics and other social responsibility, as well as internationally recognized relevant standards and other applicable industry standards and international conventions. In accordance with industrial standards, the company develops policies, production processes and working environment that comply with labor conditions, health and safety, environmental safety and ethics, and continuously improves working conditions and employee welfare. The company makes the following commitments in five aspects, including labor policy, health and safety, environmental protection, ethics, and supply chain management, and requires all departments of the company to strictly implement them
  • Labor

    1. Freedom in choosing a job

    The forced, bonded (including mortgaged), indentured or involuntary prison labour shall not be used, and the labor shall not be enslaved or sold. Employees are forbidden to pay (deposit) or store their ID cards in the company when they are employed, and employees have the right to choose work overtime or not.


    2. Minor workers

    It is strictly prohibited to employ or support the employment of workers who have not reached the legal age. At the time of recruitment, the employees should be at least 16 years old. The company may not assign workers under the age of 18 to engage in the work that is likely to endanger the health or safety of minors.


    3. Working hours

    The company complies with the working hours in line with industry standards under applicable regulations. Employees may not be required to work more hours than the normal work and overtime limits permitted by local law. Employees have the right to choose work overtime or not, and all overtime work shall be paid extra compensation to employees in accordance with regulations.


    4. Salary and welfare

    The company shall provide employees with salaries not lower than the local minimum salary standard in accordance with local laws and regulations, clearly list the composition of salaries through the document system, and give employees corresponding holidays, working hours salary, overtime salary and insurance in strict accordance with laws and regulations.


    5. Humane treatment

    Do not treat workers cruelly and inhumanely, and prohibit any form of sexual harassment, abuse, corporal punishment, mental or physical oppression, verbal abuse, and violent threats towards employees.


    6. No discrimination/harassment

    The company shall base on the employees’ individual abilities and job requirements in employment, compensation, training opportunities, promotion, work arrangement (including overtime), dismissal and other matters, and will not engage in or support any discrimination based on race, social class, nationality, religion, disability, sex, sexual orientation, trade union membership or political affiliation.


    7. Freedom of association

    All employees have the right to form, join and organize a trade union of their choice, and to represent themselves in collective bargaining with the company. The company respects this right of employees, who are free to join the organization of their choice without any adverse consequences or reprisals from the company. The company will not interfere in the establishment, operation or administration of such worker organizations or collective bargaining. Trade union and employee representatives are not subject to discrimination, harassment, coercion, or retaliation, and have access to union members in the workplace.

  • Health and Safety
    Health and Safety
    1. Occupational safety, industrial health, and machine safety protection
    The company shall strictly abide by the requirements of relevant regulations, effectively control the source of safety and health risks, and provide a healthy and safe working and living environment for employees. It is ensured that the drinking water, sanitation facilities, fire safety, lighting and ventilation in the workplace comply with regulatory requirements, and the company shall take appropriate measures on the basis of compliance with regulations, conduct safety hazard assessments on production equipment and other machinery, provide physical protective devices for machinery that may cause injury to employees to minimize hazardous factors in the working environment, conduct regular health checks and training, and clearly post health and safety-related information in the workplace.
    2. Emergency preparedness
    The company shall establish a team for safety organizational structure and various emergencies, formulate safety emergency plans, and regularly train relevant personnel on safety knowledge and emergency plans. Fire fighting facilities and equipment shall be equipped in accordance with laws and regulations, and emergency plan drills shall be conducted regularly to ensure the effectiveness of the plan.
    3.Work-related injuries and occupational diseases
    The company shall formulate work guidelines to prevent, manage, track and report the work-related injuries and diseases, encourage employees to report, classify and record work-related injuries and diseases, provide necessary medical services, organize corresponding personnel to analyze work-related injuries and take corrective and preventive measures to eliminate the impact and help employees return to work.
    4. Heavy physical work
    The company shall identify, evaluate and control the impact of heavy physical work on employees, analyze the impact of labor intensity and working environment on the fatigue level of employees, and put forward prevention and control suggestions to achieve the purpose of reducing labor intensity, improving working environment and ensuring safe production.
    5. Food, public health and accommodation
    The company shall provide employees with clean restroom facilities, drinking water and hygienic food preparation, and storage and dining facilities, and also provide employees with clean, safe and appropriate emergency exits, hot bathing water, adequate lighting, air conditioning, personal lockers for storing personal and valuable belongings, reasonable space and reasonable access rights.

    6. Health and safety communication
    The company shall provide employees, suppliers and customers with appropriate workplace health and safety information and training in a language they can understand, and such information should be clearly posted in the factory area. Health and safety information shall be placed in the access places of employees, suppliers and customers, so that they can correctly perceive the workplace hazard signs to which they are exposed, including but not limited to mechanical, electrical, chemical, fire and physical hazards, and they are encouraged to raise safety concerns./div>

  • Environment
    1. Environmental permits and reports
     The company shall strictly comply with relevant regulatory requirements to obtain all necessary environmental permits, approval documents and registration certificates, and maintain and update them regularly.
    2. Hazardous substances
    The company shall strictly comply with all applicable laws, regulations and customer requirements on prohibiting or restricting specific substances, and strictly control material procurement and production processes to ensure that products meet the requirements for green environmental protection.
    3. Solid waste and exhaust gas emissions
    A systematic approach is used to identify, manage and reduce, and responsibly dispose of or recycle the solid waste (non-hazardous waste); Volatile organic chemicals, aerosols, corrosive agents, particulates, ozone-destroying chemicals and combustion by-products produced during the production process shall be classified, routinely monitored, controlled and treated as required prior to emission, and the operation status of the exhaust gas emission control system shall be monitored routinely.
    4. Water resources management
    The company implements a water resources management plan to record, describe and monitor water resources, as well as their use and emissions; look for opportunities to protect water resources and control pollution channels. All wastewater shall be classified, monitored, controlled and treated as required prior to emission or disposal, and the operation status of wastewater emission control system shall be monitored routinely to ensure optimal performance and regulatory compliance.
    5.Energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions
    The company shall develop procedures to manage energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, track and record them regularly, and improve energy efficiency from product design to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions as much as possible.
  • Ethics
    The company shall conduct business in accordance with the laws and regulations, business operation mode, customs of the country where the business is conducted. When the ethics, customs, laws and regulations of these countries conflict with the ideals that the company adheres to, the company will seek to be consistent with the ethical ideas that the company adheres to. The company shall establish and execute the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, provide channels for employees to report violations of the Code, and develop a communication process to ensure that whistleblowers’ information is kept confidential without fear of retaliation.
    1. No improper advantage
    The company shall adhere to the highest standards of integrity in all business interactions, and prohibit any and all forms of bribery, corruption, extortion and embezzlement of public funds, as well as any business relationship established based on illegal or improper advantages.
    2.Information disclosure
    The company shall disclose information about business activities, organizational structure, financial condition and performance in accordance with applicable regulations and key industry practices. All disclosed information is reviewed by the Finance Department and the Legal Department to ensure the accuracy and completeness of such information.
    3. Intellectual property
    The company shall strictly abide by the relevant laws and regulations of intellectual property rights, respect intellectual property rights, and protect information security, and shall not disclose confidential or personal information of the company, customers or suppliers to others.
    4. Fair trade, advertising and competition
    The company shall strictly comply with all applicable fair competition and antitrust laws, and no employee shall manipulate and use privileged information, or otherwise obtain unfair benefits in an unfair manner. The company shall adhere to the standards of fair trade, advertising and competition. In the recruitment of employees, false publicity is prohibited.
    5.Identity protection and non-retaliation
    The Company shall formulate and implement related plans to ensure the protection and confidentiality of suppliers and employees who report problems and keep them anonymous, establish communication and grievance processes for employees to enable them to raise any questions without fear of retaliation, and ensure that employees’ personally identity information is not disclosed.
    6. Privacy
    The company shall promise to maintain the confidentiality of personal information of all persons (including suppliers, customers, consumers and employees) who have business dealings with the company, and comply with the requirements of laws and regulations relating to privacy and information security when collecting, storing, processing, transmitting and sharing personal information. Personal information shall not be disclosed under any circumstances without authorization, including but not limited to: suppliers, customers, consumers and employees.
  • Supply Chain Management
    Supply Chain Management
    The company shall carry out responsible procurement to drive the coordinated development of the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain, involving the issues such as labor, health and safety, environmental protection and business ethics, management system, energy conservation and emission reduction, energy efficiency management, carbon emission reduction, and hazardous substance management.
    1. Management commitment
    The management of the company shall promise and abide by the contents of this statement, comply with local laws and regulations, and adhere to continuous improvement.
    2. Material restriction
    The company shall comply with relevant laws, regulations and customer requirements regarding the prohibition or restriction of use of specific substances in products and manufacturing (including labelling for recycling and disposal).
    3.Responsible procurement of minerals
    The company shall formulate supplier management policies to ensure, in reasonable circumstances, that procured products do not contain tantalum, tin, tungsten and gold, and will not directly or indirectly finance or benefit from armed groups engaged in human rights abuses in the Democratic Republic of Congo or its surrounding countries/regions. The company shall control the sourcing and chain-of-custody implementation of its suppliers through the signing of Guarantee Agreement for Non-use of Conflict Minerals, and ensure that specific measures for due diligence are provided to customers upon request.
Shenzhen Bandao Electronics Co., Ltd