Devote to Public Welfare and Create Beauty


T&W Charity Foundation Won Three Grand Awards on the Seventh China Charity Festival

On the morning of January 29, the Seventh China Charity Festival was grandly held in Renaissance Beijing Capital Hotel. T&W Charity Foundation won three grand awards on the Charity Festival. Long Xiaojing who is Deputy General Manager of Bandao Stock and President of T&W Charity Foundation participated in the Seventh China Charity Festival and accepted the prize on behalf of the Foundation.

At about 9 in the morning of the very same day, opening ceremony of the Seventh China Charity Festival was held. More than 800 honored guests witnessed this grand annual event. T&W Charity Foundation stood out from so many public welfare organizations and won three grand awards: the Foundation won “2017 Public Welfare Group Award”, Managing Director Wang Dawei of Bandao Stock won “2017 Public Welfare People Award” and continuous care series activities of T&W Hope Primary Schools won “2017 Public Welfare Project Award”. Winning three grand awards shows that the society highly affirms public welfare practice of T&W Charity Foundation and contribution to the society over the years, and is an honor shared by all staff of Bandao Stock.

Nearly one hundred the most outstanding Chinese entrepreneurs, philanthropists, public welfare scholars, medium leaders and governmental officials delivered speech on the China Charity Festival, and festival topics include “New public welfare: cross-border and integration”, “Find new mode of public welfare”, “Methodology of public welfare upgrading”, “Power of public welfare”, etc. The meeting interpreted or discussed possibility of public welfare cross-border integration under the context of new media, characteristics and rules of new era internet + new mode of public welfare, and public welfare upgrading method. These topics have distinct epochal characters, technicality and forward-looking, and start new annual atmosphere of public welfare undertaking in China through lecture, dialogue, sharing and interaction. Meanwhile, the festival pays tribute to those practicing public welfares through award ceremony and leads China public welfare undertaking step into the future.

The Seventh China Charity Festival was co-sponsored by 45 media units, including China Network, China News, Huanqiu, GMV.CN, CRI Online, China Daily, TAkungpao.com, China.Com, Sohu, Shaanxi TV, PR Newswire and the like, and has extensive social influence.

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