Self-improvement of Youth


“May 4th” Youth Day Theme Activities Were Held in Various Companies

On May 4th, in honor of the 99th anniversary of the May 4th Movement, the various companies including Shenzhen Shekou, Shanghai T&W, Taicang T&W and Xinqiao T&W held the theme activities of Youth Day in different forms to carry forward the May 4th spirit and encourage the young people to set lofty aspirations and put the correct outlook on life and values into the work.

On the same day, Shanghai T&W Communication and Shanghai T&W Medical organized the young staffs to visit the Longhua Martyrs Memorial Park and Martyrs Memorial Hall.

41 young employees from Shenzhen Shekou Company participated in the first Wema City Run activity titled “Run for our Youth”. Participants were divided into the 5-people groups, and ran for about 5 km along the coastline of Shenzhen Bay from the Nanshan Medical Device Industrial Park to Shenzhen Bay Park.

The young colleagues of Taicang T&W ushered in their Youth Day with May 4th questioning activity, which was divided into individual competitions and team competitions. In the evening, they saw the film Amazing China at T&W Activity Center.

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