T&W Love Charity Foundation Organized the 2017 Annual Blood Donation Activity


In the morning of March 15th, the blood collecting vehicle of Shenzhen blood center was driven into Shekou headquarters of the company to carry out the annual blood donation for company employees. The Party volunteer service team set up by each branch of Shekou of the company’s Party Committee organized the blood donation at the scene. They were in volunteers’ red vests, becoming a beautiful “landscape” to reflect the good style of the Communist Party members. The blood donation of this year has been strongly supported by the employees and the amount of blood donated was up to 11.5 thousand ml. Many employees that didn’t have the time to sign up also donated blood and some employees donated blood for the first time and theyhighly agreed with the cultural concept of “giving back to the society”. It is reported that since the company organized staff to participate in voluntary blood donation in 1999, the amount of blood collected has been up to 256 thousand ml, reflecting the great social responsibility of Bandao Stock.

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